9 Warning Signs to Look Out for When Purchasing Bongs in Australia


Bongs, also known as water pipes, have become increasingly popular in Australia over the years. Smoking a bong is seen as a more sophisticated way to enjoy cannabis or tobacco, but there are many things to consider when buying one. In this article, we will discuss nine red flags to look out for when purchasing a bong in Australia.

Cheap price

When shopping for bongs, the price can be a significant indicator of its quality. While it’s always tempting to opt for the cheapest option available, remember that quality pipes are not cheap to make. If a bong is priced well below the average cost, then it’s probably made with inferior materials, which could compromise your health and safety.

Thin glass

A bong made of thin glass is a disaster waiting to happen. Thin glass is fragile and prone to breakage, which is not only dangerous but also a waste of money. Ensure that the bong you’re purchasing has thick glass, which is less likely to break even if accidentally dropped.

Loose or ill-fitting joints

The joints of a bong should fit tightly and snugly. Loose or ill-fitting joints can lead to leaks, which is not only annoying but also a waste of your smoking materials. To check if the joint fits correctly, you can try twisting it gently to see if it moves or wobbles.

Poor craftsmanship

A well-crafted bong is not only a thing of beauty but also an investment in your smoking experience. Poorly crafted pipes are likely to have rough edges, uneven surfaces, and other imperfections that can affect your smoking experience. Always inspect the bong closely to ensure that it’s well-made and has a smooth surface.

No brand name or certification

Buying a bong without a brand name or certification is a risky proposition. Certified pipes undergo rigorous testing to ensure that they’re safe and healthy to use. Pipes without certification may contain harmful materials or chemicals that could be hazardous to your health.

Lack of airflow

The airflow in a bong is crucial to the smoking experience. If a bong has a lack of airflow, it can make it difficult to inhale the smoke, which can be frustrating and uncomfortable. Always ensure that the bong you’re purchasing has a sufficient airflow by testing it out before purchasing.

No percolators

Percolators are small devices inside pipes that help to filter the smoke, making it smoother and less harsh on your lungs. Pipes without percolators may produce harsher smoke, which can be uncomfortable and irritating to the throat and lungs. Always opt for bongs with percolators to ensure a smoother smoking experience.

No splash guard

A splash guard is a small device in a bong that prevents water from splashing back into your mouth while smoking. If a bong does not have a splash guard, then you’re likely to experience some water splashing, which is not only uncomfortable but also unhygienic. Always look for bongs with splash guards to ensure a clean and comfortable smoking experience.

Lack of customer reviews

Before making a purchase, it’s always a good idea to read customer reviews. Lack of customer reviews for a particular bong may indicate that it’s not a popular choice or that there may be something wrong with it. Always ensure that the bong you’re purchasing has a sufficient number of positive customer reviews before making a purchase.

The Bottom Line

Purchasing a bong in Australia can be a daunting task, but by following these nine warning signs, you’ll be able to avoid buying a low-quality, unsafe, or uncomfortable bong. Always prioritize quality, safety, and customer reviews when making a purchase to ensure a satisfactory and enjoyable smoking experience.