The holiday season is upon us and some last minute shopping has to be done. I thought I might offer up some book reviews as recommendations for you this week so you can hop on Amazon (affiliate links provided) and check off another couple folks from your lists. (And thought it’s a comfy sweatshirt, I am not a University of Georgia graduate. It was red and festive.)
Holiday Book Recommendations From Social Media Explorer from Jason Falls on Vimeo.
A quick recap with links:
Friends with Benefits: A Social Media Marketing Handbook by Darren Barefoot and Julie Szabo. It’s a good book for the social media skeptic or curmudgeonly boss that you need help convincing.
The Connectors: How the World’s Most Successful Businesspeople Build Relationships and Win Clients for Life
by Maribeth Kuzmeski. This is an excellent book for someone wanting to learn more about building relationships and networking to build a business rolodex. I would recommend it for an introverted type who may want to become a startup success or entrepreneur. It’s also a great book for young people who might want to become account executives or consultants in the communications industry.
Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives by Nicholas Kristakis and James Fowler. An academic look at social networks and how people communicate and share across those networks. If you’re a community manager or a brand person working on community building, it’s a strong foundational read for understanding how people communicate online (and offline).
Twitter Marketing For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) by Kyle Lacy. Kyle is a friend, but one who I would trust teaching Twitter marketing. He works with real clients and does good work. And Dummies books, for all their silliness, are very useful. I own about seven of them on various topics. Glad to own this one, too, if for nothing than for reminders and check lists.
Whether you buy these books or not, please do have a happy and safe holiday season. Thanks for reading Social Media Explorer. That’s all the gift I’ll ever need from ya.
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