Senator Marco Rubio, R. Florida, addresses a Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation … [+]
The United States government was built to be balanced and checks it. It has been stable for almost two-and-a-half centuries.
Marco Rubio of Florida, a Republican, suggested that the greatest threat to democracy’s future could come from tech. He said in an interview this week, “unchecked power” to suppress voices and allow them to support authoritarian regimes around the world.
Rubio wrote an editorial on Fox News Tuesday saying that he won’t celebrate Jack Dorsey leaving Twitter. However, he cautioned that Parag Agrawal as the new CEO could do worse considering Agrawal’s position that Twitter’s “role” isn’t to be bound under the First Amendment. Agrawal also stated that Agrawal openly acknowledges that social media platforms play a role in controlling content users are able to access.
Rubio stated that Twitter’s CEO now believes Twitter is acting as a publisher. This means it no longer qualifies for Section 230 protections. “When lawmakers first wrote Section 230 of the Communications and Decency Act in 1996 – the same year the Palm Pilot was introduced to the world and a year before Google was even founded – Congress wanted internet companies to be able to host third-party content and engage in targeted moderation of the worst content without being responsible for what was written by others.”
Rubio said that Twitter’s current content moderation, curation and promotion are the same as traditional publishers, such as Traditional Publishers. The New York TimesOder The Wall Street JournalFalse information is generally spread by a company called.
Section 230, the Communications Decency Act, is a provision that protects Internet companies from liability for any content uploaded by their users. The section says that no user, provider, or administrator of an interactive computer service should be considered as the author or speaker of any information supplied by another content provider (47 U.S.C. § 230).
The Disincentivizing Internet Service Cessorship for Online Users and Restrictions of Speech and Expression Act was introduced by Senator Rubio in June. It would hold Big Tech accountable to comply with the pre-existing obligations as per Section 230, Communications Decency Act (CDA), 1996. This would clear up ambiguous terms which allow Big Tech to practice censorship.
Rubio stated that Section 230 in its current form allows Big Tech firms to censor Americans on an exceedingly broad basis. Rubio said, “Under Section 230 today, Big Tech can get away with censoring Americans because content is ‘otherwise objectionable.’ Rubio said that his bill would remove the unacceptably vague language, and instead replace it with specific categories such as “promoting terrorism.”
It would expand the list of possible practices that could make a company responsible for its content.
Rubio said that the DISCOURSE Act “would remove all protections for companies who engage in three destructive behavior: First, manipulating algorithms in order to target users who are not searching for content; Second, moderating users in order to promote or censor a particular viewpoint; Third, it would hold providers accountable when they participate in information development and creation.”
Rubio critics counter that his opinions don’t accurately reflect the current situation in social media.
Charles King, technology analyst at Pund-IT, stated that “he is trying to degrade Twitter’s ability to hold people accountable for misstatements and exaggerations, and instead suggests that social media platforms responsible are acting irresponsibly.”
King stated that Twitter’s CEO Parag Aggrawal has made it clear that they are not bound to the First Amendment. Twitter, like other social media platforms, is closer to a private club that newspapers, television networks, or comparable traditional news outlets. As with other private clubs it also has its own codes of conduct that are enforced by members. Participants who break the rules will be suspended or removed.
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