If there’s one thing everyone who reads this and any other marketing blog wants to know, it’s how to make money online. While some of you may not admit it, at the end of the day we’re marketers. The goal of our jobs is to drive business through marketing our products or services. Whether we’re jonesing for the affiliate or passive revenue to help us quit our jobs or noodling on how to move more stuff through the supply chain, we all want to know how to make money online.
My friend Jim Kukral knows a thing or two about making money online. He’s been an internet marketer for a lot longer than many of us have been on the web. His first book takes that cumulative knowledge — how to make money online — and turns it into actionable smarts for you. Attention! This Book Will Make You Money is aptly titled, annoyingly colored (to get your attention) and chock full of great insights and ideas for entrepreneurs, job seekers and business owners/managers of any size organization.
I ambushed Jim in the Cleveland airport earlier this month to talk about the book. Guess you can say I was trying to get his attention.
Here’s why I think you should buy this book: It will inspire you. It will help you think outside the box. It will give you ideas and a perspective you weren’t seeing before. If anything, the chapter called, “26 Ways To Generate Killer Ideas is worth the cost.
The book covers affiliate marketing, subscription-based businesses, social media, public relations and more. Jim knows his stuff and delivers the goods. When you get done reading this, you’ll be able to take one of the many suggestions or calls-to-action presented and make money online.
No, it’s not a guarantee … you will have to put some time and effort into it. But even the grizzled old brothers-in-arms of Jim’s like me can take away some great insights and inspiration from Attention!
You can buy the book at Amazon (affiliate link) or slide on over to AttentionTheBook.com or JimKukral.com
And no, Jim didn’t buy me a beer in the Cleveland airport so I’d say nice things about his book. He knows I’d be honest with you if it sucked. It doesn’t. Neither did that beer. Thanks, Jim.
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