Who would not want to make extra cash online? We keep searching for ways to increase our income and one of the easiest ways is through the internet. If you have a good connection and time to spare, you can use that to your benefit. You have definitely heard about gaining money through advertisements, especially through Adsense. If you have never heard of it, we are here to give you the proper knowledge to build up the courage and go for it.
How Does It Work?
Adsense is a Google moderated way to earn money from the content you publish online. Basically, after creating your own website, Google will check it and post advertisements on it depending on the subject and kinds of visitors. When a certain number of people click on an ad generated on your website, you get paid. Furthermore, it is free to use and sign up for.
Fortunately, you get to choose what kind of advertisements to be promoted and you can block future ones about topics that you don’t want to appear. Also, you can pick which area on your page they should be displayed. If you have more than one website, you don’t have to create multiple Adsense accounts, you can link the already existing one to all of them.
Unfortunately, everything has drawbacks because life isn’t ideal. If by mistake you violated their policies or clicked on one of the ads, your account will be terminated. In that case, you should be aware of different options to replace the one that you have been banned from. You can do your research and remind yourself that anything has a good alternative and you shouldn’t cry over the one you lost.
Another downside is that when a visitor opens an ad, they will be directed away from your website so if there was any chance for them to buy what you offer, they will forget about it. So, sometimes it feels bad that after building your traffic, they leave yours for another link.
Boosting Traffic to Your Website
To have a proper number of clicks, you should have enough traffic on your website. So, you need to focus on your content’s growth to attract more people to check what you offer and on their way, they will view the ads.
- Stay Authentic
Your website could be about a product you are selling, reviews, or content writing. It doesn’t matter as long as you are being original and unique. Also, your website design reflects who you are as a person, so you should be picky while decorating it.
- Make It Mobile-Friendly
After a long day at work, we tend to be lazy and unable to look at any more laptops’ screens. So, your website should be light and can be opened on mobile phones without lagging or being too slow. That will help you as well because you will be able to check your numbers regularly and post remotely too!
- Easy To Navigate
For starters, there should be a clear search bar on the top of the page so visitors would easily type their targeted keyword and reach it. Also, don’t expose all of your content on the first page because that way, visitors won’t dig deeper so they won’t reach the available ads on the rest of the pages. Moreover, squeeze in links here and there so people can jump from one page to another if they got bored of the topic they are reading about.
- Notification Features
You need to constantly remind your visitors that you exist and that you post new content weekly or monthly. That can be done through notifications or emails if people decide to agree to be reminded every time you post. That will give them a second chance to click on the ads regularly.
Types of Advertisements
They come in different kinds and forms, so you can choose the ones that best fit your website. Here are the most common ones.
- Text
It appears with an underlined title and a short description. They can be in the form of one unit or multiple units.
- Rich Media
They are videos or a collection of photos displayed together to be eye-catching regardless of what they are offering.
- Display Ads
They are graphics-based and come in different forms. For example, they can be horizontal, vertical, or in the form of a banner.
It is easy and almost effort-free to sign up for Adsense. You are one click away from building a community and some more away from starting to make money online. You just need to stick to the rules and regulations of Google and if by any chance you violated one, there are always substitutes.
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