Twitter has become a new method of communication for many of us in the social media, technology and even marketing space. And, while the microblogging service hasn’t exactly gone mainstream, fascinating stories are emerging involving the platform. There are also more and more mainstream media coming to the fold as well. Carlos Granier-Phelps is documenting traditional media members on Twitter here. Harry Hoover at MyCreativeTeam is doing the same both here and here. It’s nice to see more and more realizing the power of the communications tool.

[flickr style=”float: left”]photo:2457786483[/flickr]At the Social Media Breakfast in Cincinnati Tuesday, Albert Maruggi led a discussion about Twitter, media, journalism and more. Albert likened Twitter to the new version of a police scanner. It dawned on me this is the way we should sell it to newsrooms. The only difference is that the media, in effect, can cut out the middle man and get the here-and-now updates from the people experiencing it, not the person manning the police, fire and EMT CB radios.

If the newsrooms in Louisville had been listening to Twitter on April 18, they would have gotten a variety of first-hand accounts of what people felt, heard and the like instead of looking at each other on set saying, “Did you head for a doorway, Jim?” “No, Alice. I thought I just had gas. Bwahahahaha! And now for the weather.” Michael Schnuerle of summarized it all well from the Louisvillian perspective.

The national media could have jumped on the story quicker as well. reported the earthquake with a banner on its home page 37 minutes (by my own count) after the first Twitter reports were made. When their story finally appeared, it was time stamped several minutes before, giving the illusion they were more on top of their game than they really were. They could have had that banner in place 20 minutes earlier if their “scanners” and “wire services” included real people chatting on Twitter.

The knee-jerk thing to do is whine about how the media doesn’t get it, they all need to get with the program and use social media tools to tap into what their audiences are doing, saying and, yes, even interested in. But that serves no purpose. If they don’t get social media, they aren’t reading my blog. So here’s what we must do: We must reach out to them, offer to come by and show them a new scanner-like web service that will help them cover the happenings in their community. (Use the term “DMA” instead of community. Most local news folks don’t get the latter.) Then set up an appointment with an assignment or news editor, show them Tweetscan and GroupTweet, and show them how to subscribe to Tweets of certain keywords (start with the city name). Then look at some other media outlets using Twitter to give them an idea of how they might use it as both a push and pull mechanism for information. Finally, offer to answer any questions about it should they need help.

The only way social media and its tools will go mainstream is if we dedicate ourselves to teaching the mainstream how to use them.

The Queen City

[flickr style=”float: right”]photo:2457787531[/flickr]A note or two about my visit to Cincinnati for the Social Media Breakfast is in order. Shawn Morton and I made the trip, as did fellow SMC Louisville member Roger Bauer. It was great to see Krista Neher from Photrade again and to meet all the great folks there. I’ve been a fan of Kevin Dugan‘s for a long time and finally got to be in the same room with him, even if we didn’t have a chance to chat. The discussion was so good, we went over time and both of us had to get back to work. Albert Maruggi’s podcast is a gem, so meeting him in person was nice as well. And I was able to connect in person with digital colleagues Daniel Johnson Jr., and Michelle Lentz (and her husband, Kevin Gerl, who is buddies with my college pal Jason Griffey), as well as meet Cincinnati Enquirer social networking maven Mandy Jenkins, Chris Bergman (also of Photrade), Debba Haupert, Andy Osier, podcaster extraordinaire Cliff Ravenscraft, Aaron Forgue (of GroupTweet) and Chris Ainsworth.

And the above paragraph is not just a gratiuitous link fest, but recognition of hand-raisers and social media leaders. These folks are carrying the same passion and enthusiams for using social media to connect people with both ideas and one another that I am. It was an honor to be there with them.

A Milestone

Trish Monaco (@freeepeace) became my 1,000th Twitter follower on Wednesday night. It was certainly sheer luck for her and dumb luck for me, but sometimes that’s how you get where you are, isn’t it? I’m honored to be thought of as informative or entertaining enough for people to choose to see what I have to say. But my 1,000th follower milestone shouldn’t be about me. It should be about Trish and the other 999 folks.

Trish is a singer-songwriter with some good music on her website. Click through and have a listen. You might just find a fellow Twitterer you can add to your MP3 player. When she chose to follow me, she had 10 followers and was following 16 people. She had made 65 updates since first trying Twitter out on Feb. 11 of this year, so she’s a relative noob in the Twitterverse and we welcome her with open arms.

A few days before, I half-jokingly Tweeted that I would profile my 1,000th follower here on But, as smart people like Rachel Luxemberg pointed out, profiling No. 1,000 sort of gives newcomers the credit for building up what the old crowd made. So, I wanted to find a way to thank each of the 1,000. While my intent was to link to the chosen website of every single one of them, Twitter doesn’t make that easy and there are a handful of spammers in there. But, I want each of them to receive at least a token of my appreciation. A link to each of their Twitter profiles will have to do. Browse below. Find someone interesting you don’t follow and follow them. You’ll be better for it.

If you’ve ever wondered what 1,000 followers looks like, here it is:

dobata ifindkarma BJ dustinj JasonCalacanis danieljohnsonjr jackbr4 aDeSe Chaitanya davidparmet chrisbrogan julien Mobasoft kanter BeckyMcCray rdfrench DougH newmediajim mvellandi marianne alexdc briansolis runnerkara andykaufman cc_chapman Tojosan chrisheuer Scobleizer samharrelson sindlinger giovanni jquig99 DiMambro RonKJeffries EricFriedman cjuon DrBaher jspepper centernetworks MarinaMartin ewanspence cristianca hardaway jowyang tamar sMoRTy71 vero ColinWalker kamichat ryananderson ikepigott conniereece Ina marc1919 trishussey chelseahardaway kristiewells pixel TDefren MattDickman chris2x nateritter johniac dlayphoto MikeG1 toddmundt jakemckee perfectporridge jeffpulver conej aaronforgue seerysm Phibble Armano BryanPerson mrosenthal ceonyc cdnewt JGut willpate jchutchins brianherbert EdRoberts stevegarfield mmcallen davidfinch DrewMcLellan davedelaney goaliegirl GSPN TDavid Britneymason MMM technosailor josemariagil beebo_wallace servantofchaos chrisjohnston conniecrosby amandachapel deanmccall SteMaTo beiting Damiano dljordaneku chipgriffin badgergravling vanhoosear Sollitaire willmurphy CathleenRitt Merlene Sibby badbanana DigitalMoves rickmahn seanodmvp CollinDouma CortneySellers cortland Genuine chrisgarrett kbodnar32 saulcolt brendathompson marshallk paulmcenany urlgrl SuzeMuse earwood AdamIss thewavingcat ericeggertson msmrmyr Engagingbrand craigritchie warzabidul tsand rhyde LionelatDell DougMeacham leeodden mdoeff loudmouthman sgetgood joshpaul blake sandieman GeekNews mikesansone mvuinc rustybrick storyspinner ResPres Danacea davehuston pgillin darrylohrt fleep tonykatz bloggersblog israluv ganyardp thursdayb brittp ScottMonty meriksen eileen53 davidberkowitz divedi johncass rafiq fusionview Kforbriger escapetochengdu scottclark JohnatDELL soloride audaciousgloop daver problogger kdpaine csuspect griffey eMom shashib rje7 djuggler ckieff wiredprworks streetforce1 g808 lizstrauss BrendanMonaghan richstyles MrBabyMan photopreneur CTD3 chelpixie mozhet andymatic anwag WillBrown djazzycool1 idealist allanjenkins Gorileo ckEpiphany texburgher andrewbadera davidjhinson epodcaster smc2911 drthomasho hjortur ronjon StephenTurcotte javajenn semlady stevebanfield GeoffLiving crbrowning RyanKarpeles Vidlisting SarahWurrey tbrunelle rogerkondrat sass marilynpratt bcavoli successfool Geoff_Meredith pixelcollector leesabarnes lnewcomer jakemarsh chrisbergman BarbaraKB jimkukral worleygirl pchaney WasatchGirl BrotherMagneto MoInColumbusOH jerang Kristin_Gorski bdthomas MackCollier prblog daltonsbriefs DeeCoo roxannedarling susanreynolds kcearns JakePM casron acriley Pistachio MicheBel jonkelly kevinnewcomb twittown danzarrella Twinkie zoopedup bluestbutterfly mjkeliher michellej BadWolf natuba chris_bailey apenny mmcdonald UtahSEOpro coyenator DMular seedoflife Penguin Mcmoong jjtoothman sonyabuyting wyliemac chesspark williamsba Jillfoster alisamleo pprlisa doshdosh leegibbons MariAdkins GiannaBorgnine mufan96 MarkGoren micah hyme 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nickhuhn theregoesdave Rystique rslux QueenofSpain MartysMind DJLitten Genevangelist agreenberg giseleh jacobsloan naturalwoman tweismann RobertCollins lisamcneill penguinasana drewbeatty FiurInformation goldbar toddand timcourtney rebelstance rah33ls BrentHalstead jonray RichBecker EPanzera NathanSnell janamurray jaygarmon paulaberg mixx KHook20 girlfriendology AlbertMaruggi ceubanks christinelu webword shawnz bigebiz KristaNeher smeranda danoph khylek Suki_MHC05 andrewparadies WabiSabiMe ShariV walkinggal MargaretSchaut brightwings MichaelValiant jackiehuba photrade kcarruthers davidgillespie seesmic dedmond29 zaibatsu piyushgupta Kevlar noahdavidsimon jonmelzer AmandaGravel SavvyAuntie GrantGriffiths WarrenWhitlock williamsmith joannayoung Teeg UTeezSF jyarmis didyousmellthat guykawasaki neelienotes followlog Leshtanski tarable Movlogger MattJMcD MarketingProfs chareeklimek AndrewSauter dailyidea iamrasa carseycritter swhitley Trula LizPW NikkiKey krusk robmay charlieanzman joe_wheeler davefleet jaybowman arunrajagopal glenng MagnoliaMom nemock wesley83 changstein alexdesigns BloggerMann thattalldude desertdingo jrosell SheilaS infodiva FoundRead mcwflint lyf108 marylynn3 AngelaMaiers AEguy27 PhysicalTherapy HISPANICITY aks106 MelissaKing mikedoe spiderman34 spiderman928 spiderman57 spiderman83 spiderman982 eastmanj kimhaynes RichardatDELL BrooklynBeast dustinbrewer lesliecarbone Matt_Matthews warrenss fivedollarwiki CHURCHSMO astrout DarinRMcClure TannerHobin shey tombreeves ConversationAge mcastel LewisG senithomas maxkiesler DarrenTooCoo
adamodonnell strategystew amyrsward joeciarallo nowsourcing emischke theproductguy RobertRice TechSoup toddmintz kmunse brianwatkins cnadeau dtennant LisaBarone sesparza lebrun RickWolff missusP Sourcerer rcorke MarkDykeman bobstewart davidalston TweetRich chrishanaka KizzieFK adamcohen danielsale CollectiveIntel tomhumbarger unquality CoachDeb BradCoy alisond mvolpe70 cambeck michelleheath jefftippett richord rossdunn batterista blogworld itot54joni jcberk jstam csalomonlee jaysolo WAVLT nickray cryssi996 ww3 cshumow technologythree daveriley hostelmana JJBetts janadelancey LenKendall mallikam brendanpicha ericholter ShamaHyder NameIsMO RedCarpetVictim dropdeadchris hjstrout anwith1n aliciabmanley trouble7 lalunablanca acomputerpro CyndiMasters S00NAMI raceygirl markpoliti OnTheMove gregrattenborg samseiller ChrisKauza chrisblackwell mattwinn Earth911 chiropractic xoost numberneal seocopyandstrat brians_cat tiddlytwinks SuggestionBox seanabc thinkingserious lynneastep briandunphy biztrek marcuso technojeeper thebouv jimmyadames DormRoomMoney diettips kshedd websuccessdiva SetTheTrends rmonitor bookmarkjedi connector80120 KimDushinski Blueroad bsandlin danmartell bpodr kathika HR princess_belle randomnicole PodcampOhio AquariumCars transformertoy hasbrogijoe peterahon HeatherDulin peoplewatcher Ninety7 willcmars JoshuaRosenthal born4thesurf TheRainKing j SallieB jalegre MFoster o1mx holidayvacation convagency ahelms aruni emberjohn jansieblom zjjtrans sonnygill 60DayRealty jljohansen jeanettejoy jeremyw501 m4cks CurtMonash SilentJay74 asadguy startupers Scabr ActiveRich ConstantineXVI 1stopmom RicardoBueno beamcatchers Pishba shawnjooste powersellingmom LindaSherman TechTaxi bookhotel stshores24 ericathomas mjenkins timepilot justinYGG ccarmichael jobs4friends genopianist54 melledotca knealemann autohousewife ainsworth JenniferLaycock phdaisy JCrites juliesalgado mammaren CharlesHeflin lisarokusek SocialBlend pamelawella freshbooks conallmurtagh kcolbin Britrock karenswim ryandeshazer Sigo ODPllc writetechnology toastthemost reubenator billyfischer life_enthusiast TimothyCarter BS08 pirie skinner Foundationcoach cheapsuits velo_city tibipuiu jasonboom robertpriolo MissMotaMouth nissarup TSnyd 75marketers Filthyfarmgirl jtnt JoeHayden amypalko markramsey jedhallam ViperChill skimbaco evansdave rogerbauer joerbennett CMNotes RealEstatePom TiffanyDoughty stevenickerson frankmartin Rupp_Arena sitelogic sol JONxBLAZE repcor superblogging Finucane pbeisel jfhscribbles yourprguy guruofsales rondean CareFlash charpolanosky adamsherk alisongow queenmarypat DJDiva5 SuperTuesday nejsnave Campaign2008 ValerieDOrazio alina_popescu TheJennTaFur marcnext jamarch letshavetxt lisamedia myjezi MichelePW kubecraig Lowrain marcthollander joshuamarch juancarlosarzol alexnesbitt amywheeler tradingnothing JamiePlaster freeepeace JulesC decepticrat AlexisNeely AllenHarkleroad doenuts ImposterJay USofA 5min_tech eileenalouise louisvillesays merylkevans todearwood drigotti Four20 visionsteen FOSCommerce juancarzola JamesatBabySpot TweetJeebus unfunnies rusty_armano OutdoorMedia Weaselrina alipurls osen niceworld lillyj SXSWbaby redgsnodgrass thomasclifford Bob_Hutchinson OnFrozenBlog MadLid CindySzponder DmitriGunn remarkablogger PawLuxury ricklafave totspot 2writehands theILLife mzinga coffeygrinds riomurphy marketingblog smheadhunter lynn_fillmore joegerstandt swalbers createthechange contactjeff caleone vedo brittmccoll 1happyblogger BradMays skincancersympt geeksofdoom TheResumeGirl marobella tomzazueta anjali28 CarrieBethH jaybaer shannonpaul supernovacom jasonhargrove JoePeicott RobinMaiden Nederlander tomob WestPeter moserw swoodruff toddspencer sxds eflorida Catavarie blackhatter ToddatDell Odenized srdill joekutchera Klauf GeekGirlCamp eddings thenotself ashmer31 ThomasStack Matty4good wendyscherer Kafka0622 FlypeClub crookrooker tripixdesigns dana79 fbpda jkarnell jimmoon eleven2 briancarter mytechworld CincyRecruiter suecoppersmith faketweet NovaTunesMusic rckstrscott thegirlriot makechange eeUS blogtrepreneur forextrading1 MyCreativeTeam LemonLaw DominiqueT nobosh gooruze dhertog marenhogan 100000friends onstartups Adpuma JasonOickle SalaryScout Aronado wippz DrTodd PCTV1 ahg3 sadekhm twubble chucknorris_ culturite DearStuff ibuykyhomes marketingcenter Rossacher_net blogtropolus thejustinesane ericsabourin silkfairjess ephealy dewaldp realsex dulcitalove jennifer91335 wclements DallasWTaylor kendra2 MusaAykac Wulf_Gar RU4Real comcelhaiti signupnow MartinAllsop mywebgal mediadarlingkm mediaexpert mybloglog k_polito blackwavetv VideoViewNinja Superwarrior upicks joerma CriticalAnalyst do_sex_longer DwellOnDesign wesjustice mikeziemer SalesBlogcast Mike_Stelzner NinjaSleepover mashon everabelle previous

[tags]Twitter, journalism, media, social media, tools[/tags]

SME Paid Under

By Jason Falls

Jason Falls is the founder of Social Media Explorer and one of the most notable and outspoken voices in the social media marketing industry. He is a noted marketing keynote speaker, author of two books and unapologetic bourbon aficionado. He can also be found at

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