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]]>Since 2012, Google has used a system called Universal Analytics or UA. This has been the backbone behind Google Analytics and offers a slew of benefits. UA lets site owners track specific users across multiple platforms and even devices by assigning them user IDs.
This creates really rich customer data, allows offline behavior monitoring, and in 2016, through the use of AI, even lets the real time monitoring of users. Although these are great benefits for site users, there are a lot of worries around the privacy of site users. Google has always prided itself as being a socially conscious group and here they seem to falter.
Luckily, in 2020, Google Analytics 4 (GA4)was introduced. This is a new backbone for Google Analytics and changes a few key things about how Google does web analytics. Including most notably for Google’s social image, in the privacy department.
G4A does in fact track more, and more detailed and dense data, although it makes it a lot harder for sites to give users information out to anyone who wants it. Google now even offers a consent mode that will further reduce the types of data that GA4 can track.
G4A is fully compliant with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the standard behind web analytic privacy that UA failed to meet, something that has served as a major concern over the past few years.
This all represents a positive shift in how Google operated web analytics. By July 1st, 2023, UA will be completely phased out and replaced by GA4. This means that all current site owners need to make the transition in that time, something that takes some preparation and time. Still, regardless of the inconvenience to users, GA4 is the technological and social future of web analytics.
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]]>The post Gen Z is Changing Business in the Social Media Landscape appeared first on Social Media Explorer.
]]>Currently, Gen Z’s favorite brands (in order) are Google, Netflix, and YouTube. Clearly a technology-focused age group, Gen Z relies on social media to connect with not just each other, but businesses as well. And considering around half of Gen Zers get their news from social media, businesses who promote themselves on these platforms have a direct line of communication to this increasingly important target audience.
But social media acts as more than a broadcasting platform for companies, it serves as a two-way street of communication. In fact, 44% of Gen Z consumers purposefully interact with posts to influence the algorithm and reach the content they are looking for. This allows them to find the perfect businesses that hold similar values to their own, including environmental responsibility and inclusivity practices.
With the increase in online shopping, connecting technology and business is a clear route to the ever-important Generation Z. Nearly half of all teens in the United States are online more than 10 hours a day, and two out of three are interested in making a purchase through social media directly. If businesses are to connect with this young generation of consumers, they must do so through authentic online relationships. Learn more about Gen Z brands below:
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]]>The post The War on Russia in an Open World Where Everything is Social appeared first on Social Media Explorer.
]]>This has come in the form of major economic sanctions primarily. Russia has been removed from SWIFT, majorly reducing their international banking capabilities. The U.S has stopped all importation of oil from Russia and removed the ability to buy Russian bonds. And several countries have frozen Russia’s foreign reserves.
On top of this several companies have suspended all operations within Russia, prompting several lookalikes to pop up as Russia removed all U.S intellectual property rights. This all serves for up to a 15% downturn in Russia’s economy throughout 2022, but the effects are not just economic.
Russian citizens are now being looked down upon as support for Putin only grows. The U.S is seeing skyrocketing gas prices and low stock values and Russia and its citizens are being seen as the ones to blame. Resentment continues to grow but Russian citizens are only serving to be harmed.
Higher interest rates, fluctuating currency, the complete block of money being sent abroad, these are some of the things Russian citizens are dealing with. In times of war common citizens are the ones most harmed, one must only look at all the displaced people of Ukraine to understand that.
Although action must surely be taken against Russia. It’s important to recognize the effects of war on the people of Ukraine, Russia, and even places like the U.S. War takes a toll on everyone and that’s a natural consequence of actions taken to promote its end. What the future holds for these countries is only yet to be seen.
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]]>The post Cloud Computing and Sustainability for Finance appeared first on Social Media Explorer.
]]>Let cloud computing be part of the solution. The cloud can help reduce greenhouse gas in a variety of ways. Cloud centers are more efficient with energy than their on-premise counterparts. High carbon physical machines can be replaced with their virtual equivalents in the cloud, using less energy to do the same thing. The cloud can also offer a degree of flexibility that lets the same electronic devices be used for more purposes, lowering the consumption of resources. The cloud can enable a circular economy that keeps e-waste out of the landfill either through diversion or refurbishment.
To compound the benefits of cloud computing, set up your cloud data center on a clean energy grid. Choosing locations strategically can bring down emissions even more. Take Google as an example: in 2020, Google achieved 67% round-the-clock carbon free energy across all their data centers. As a company, Google Cloud is working towards 24/7 carbon-free energy by year 2030.
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]]>The post Hiring and Firing: How to Stop it Impacting You on Social Media appeared first on Social Media Explorer.
]]>Hire slow fire fast is a phrase that describes a new way of viewing the hiring process that prioritizes hiring candidates that will benefit the company long term rather than hiring people who can satisfy immediate needs.This means that each candidate is given significant thought regarding their individual skills, how they can benefit the company with their work, and how well they can fit in with an existing company team.
On the other end of hiring, the hire slow fire fast method also means firing employees who are not a good fit quickly so as to not bring down the rest of the business. While this may seem harsh, it really benefits everyone who is involved. Companies are able to search for a candidate that is a better fit, and the employee who is let go is free to pursue other options that may be a better fit for them. Keeping an employee who is not performing to the standards the company expects or who is not happy in their position can be detrimental to a businesses performance overall.
So while many businesses may not be able to weed out passionate workers by offering a reward for quitting, the hire slow fire fast method of finding new candidates can ensure that more time is spent finding great employees and helping poor employees find better opportunities elsewhere.
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]]>The post How Localization Can Help Businesses Reach Global Audiences appeared first on Social Media Explorer.
]]>Imagine this scenario: You have an incredible product and brand that helps customers mitigate cost and time, and you soon realize this product can help others around the world. So, you begin targeting audiences in various geographical regions. However, something gets lost in translation.
An English-based web application may not translate as quickly and efficiently for potential customers in Chinese-speaking regions. This problem can lead to wasted time and money targeting areas your brand is not equipped to serve.
This problem is more common than you think. Recent data shows that 72% of online shoppers who are not native English speakers would prefer product reviews and advertisements to be in their native language.
The solution? Localization.
Localization allows brands and businesses to adapt their products and services to align with a particular target audience’s language, aesthetic, and culture. The process of localization, once achieved, makes it easier for companies to implement globalization and reach an array of audiences, cultures, and subgroups at the same time.
While the word localization may trigger the idea of “translations,” the process is more intricate. Localization takes into consideration non-verbal and non-textual signifiers. While localization includes language translations, it also includes culture, local vernaculars, formats for dates, measurements, and more.
For example, by using localization technology, a company can uniquely target customers in Brazil and customers in Portugal separately instead of lumping them together because of their common language of Portuguese.
A Blended Approach to Localization
The process of localization has continued to increase in demand. However, manual localization can prove tedious for companies looking to scale globally quickly. The development of innovative tools and AI-machine translation leads to increased efficiency, consistency and delivery time for marketers and businesses. But it is the power behind combining these tools with human experts that work alongside marketers and businesses to ensure a seamless localization process.
Now, the options for a customized approach to localization are growing. In fact, more businesses and applications are launching to help companies master this localization process through innovative technology and a white glove approach. Companies such as BLEND have launched to support businesses to maintain a native presence in different global markets. Their work with app development companies such as Lightricks has helped improve localization delivery rates by over 120%. BLEND, along with others such as Welocalize, is entering the market to help companies automate their localization processes through translations, global product launches, voice-overs, and more.
Businesses Need to Localize to Expand Globally
Localization is the key to success for businesses looking to enter new markets. With strategic localization, companies can save money, increase customer loyalty and retention, and help to avoid any cultural faux-pas with foreign audiences. When thinking globally, it’s important to start localizing your content and services.
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]]>The post Can the Future of School Be More Social? appeared first on Social Media Explorer.
]]>Traditional face-to-face learning has not changed much in the past few decades, and this is actually harming students. Most students report only remembering about 40% of the information that they learn, doing work simply to earn a passing grade, and 86% of students even report cheating at some point in school. Tragically, there has also been a rise in bullying in face-to-face schools and teens are now 5x more likely to suffer from mental illness than previous generations. When students switched to online school, there were some positive trends that saw students enjoying school more and improving their overall grades.
Post pandemic, 57% of students report feeling more positive about online schooling while only 19% of students prefer the traditional in-person school. These students’ families agree that online education is beneficial for their students, and they often link these benefits to the more flexible schedule, safer environment, and opportunity for family involvement that remote learning offers.
While students and their families state that they enjoy remote learning more than face-to-face learning, that is not the only proof that we have to show that remote learning is beneficial. Studies show that online students perform better overall than face-to-face students, and that they retain 25-60% more information!
It is clear that changes are needed in teaching young minds. With students reporting that they enjoy remote learning and the positive changes that are already occurring from offering remote courses, transitioning to hybrid or remote learning opportunities could be the future of school.
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]]>The post How to be Social With Cookieless Tracking Data appeared first on Social Media Explorer.
]]>To detract from the controversy businesses face around tracking their customers, some businesses are beginning to implement cookieless tracking systems.This protects consumers from unwanted online tracking, personal profiling, unsolicited marketing tactics, and nonconsensual data harvesting. These systems also increase the users autonomy and allows for them to be informed of when their data is being collected and what it is being used for.
Autonomy is important when it comes to digital data collecting because, as we all know, not everything you read online is true. This means that there is sometimes data that can be incorrect about a person that is being collected, or there is data that is very private that is being collected. Using data blocking services, customers can correct any inaccurate personal data that is collected and can choose which–if any– aspects of their personal information can be processed.
It can be shocking when you look for recommendations on the best pizza in town and then all of a sudden get hundreds of ads about pizza on your social media. If you value your online privacy and want to protect yourself from these marketing tactics, make sure you are well informed about if the websites you’re visiting are using cookies or if they are making the switch to cookieless tracking data. Learn about data tracking and how to prevent it in the infographic below:
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]]>The post Be Your Best for Social Media With a Full Night’s Sleep appeared first on Social Media Explorer.
]]>Sleep improves mental and physical health. REM sleep is one of the biggest factors of nurtured creativity, a skill that is extremely valuable to the modern job market. Sleep dramatically reduces clerical errors and mistakes, making it easier to get tasks done right the first time. The effects of sleep aren’t just mental. A greater amount of sleep also leads to a stronger immune system, a critical trait in a world ridden with disease. 1.2 million working days are lost due to the poor sleep workers receive.
If you do have dysfunctional sleeping habits, don’t worry. It is always possible to improve your sleep routine. First step to better sleeping health is to do away with all nighters. Adults going without sleep for 48 hours have similar mental impairments to someone with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.1%. On the subject of alcohol, reduce consumption where you can. 2 or more servings of alcohol a day reduces sleep quality by 39.3%. Above all, make it a priority to receive 7-8 hours of sleep.
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]]>The post How the Creator and Social Economy has Changed the Virtual Event Landscape appeared first on Social Media Explorer.
]]>The onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic only advanced our shift to online communications. Now, remote work and virtual communications seem the norm. Everyday meetings are done over video conference calls, and title events are taking place through virtual platforms. Online events are no longer just webinars but expos, seminars, concerts, and more.
The Creator Economy’s Social Influence
This shift towards online communications has been beneficial not only for business owners but also for content creators and marketers. With the increasing demand for useful and entertaining content, communities emerged and grew, looking towards one another for answers, pass-times, and connection.
To keep up with the demand for content, creators and marketers both know it’s important to have a toolkit with everything you need to keep your brand running smoothly. For many, this tool kit includes editing tools, distribution channels, emails, and newsletters. For others, it may consist of events – both micro and mini – that bring brands together with their customers.
The Learning Curve of Virtual Events
Virtual events have become a necessity for everyone. However, the learning curve of how to evolve IRL events with virtual events was not easy for everyone. According to the Event Manager, 72% of live events were unsuccessful when pivoting to virtual format and maintaining profits.
This surprisingly large percentage is likely due to the disconnect when moving to a virtual event. Things that work in IRL events don’t often translate flawlessly online. One of the biggest challenges for marketers is maintaining user engagement from the promotion stage to the well after the event.
Immersive Events are the Future
Thankfully, there are several options available online that allow content creators, marketers, organizations, and more to connect, educate and promote all in one place. The best part is that there are options to blend virtual and real-life events, whether your event is large or small.
Companies like Airmeeet, who enabled more than 120,000+ event organizers to stream 150 million minutes of video to audiences around the globe in 2021, help companies worldwide to create opportunities between virtual, IRL, and hybrid events. Their technology features the only AI-driven smart speed networking technology available in the immersive event space and offer a 360-degree engagement profile. It’s a great fit for marketers and others who want to remain hyper-focused on boosting their engagement at each step of their funnels.
Other companies, such as Living Popups, focus on helping brands integrate AR/VR for live events. Adding AR/VR into your event enhances the event’s immersive experience while also giving a creative option to those who want to experience the event from the comfort of their homes.
Most importantly, virtual and hybrid events break down geographical barriers. Brands and content creators can reach a wider audience by creating immersive events that allow them to interact with their audience directly from anywhere in the world.
Whether you are looking to enhance your existing online event, shift a live event to virtual or hybrid, or build a new way to grow your audience, having a platform or application that helps you manage your event in one place is an important tool to have in your toolkit. In 2022 and beyond, we’ll see more options emerge with creative customizations to improve our new virtual/hybrid reality.
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]]>The post The Metaverse is the Future of Social Media appeared first on Social Media Explorer.
]]>Pets in the metaverse allow pet lovers to engage with their furry friends in a virtual world in a variety of ways. These platforms can be used by people who don’t own pets in real life due to allergies, space limitations, or any other reasons to experience the joy of pet ownership without a physical animal in their space. People with pets can virtualize their animals so that when they are spending time in the metaverse their furry friend can be right with them. There are many platforms already available that allow users to engage in many different activities with their virtual pets.
Metapets is one of the largest pet metaverse platforms that allows users to design and own digital pets, participate in shows, and even generate revenue from their pets. Virtual pet owners can dress, train, and breed their pets and enjoy the companionship of a pet while avoiding the grief that is caused by the death of a pet.
Crypto Kitties is a similar platform that allows users to buy,collect, and breed cats. They can collect limited edition Fancy cats, unlock rare cat traits, and earn rewards! Crypto Kitties also lets users play games in the Kittyverse with their furry friends and work with other players to solve puzzles!
Pet metaverse platforms are a great way to have fun in the metaverse with your furry friend. It also allows for people who want pets but can’t have them to enjoy the companionship of an animal without the stress of actually owning a pet. Learn more about pet metaverse platforms and the endless possibilities of the metaverse in the infographic below:
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]]>The post Blockchain and Health [Infographic] appeared first on Social Media Explorer.
]]>Telehealth stems from a lack of security over the collection, use, and sharing of data. The lack of security made it easier for patients to share their data with providers. It also made it easier for third parties to access their information as well. With no paper trail, patients and providers had no way of knowing whether or not their sensitive information was being shared.
To solve this problem, providers are beginning to incorporate block chain applications into their everyday routines. Blockchain-powered telehealth increases security while also supplying a seamless exchange of data between doctors and patients. A ledger is also kept of all data so that both parties are able to see who is looking at this data. This ensures that there are no breaches in security. This ledger increases consumer confidence in the system. Overall, this makes for a more reliable and beneficial experience for both patients and providers.
With all the benefits of blockchain, hospitals across the country should make the switch to a more reliable cybersecurity system.
Learn more about blockchain and health in the infographic below:
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