n the age-old battle of David versus Goliath, I found myself, Jacob Maslow, in the underdog role, wielding not a slingshot but my unwavering love for my children. Life had dealt me the card of shared custody after a divorce from my narcissistic ex, Carol Grinberg, with our five beloved children caught in the crossfire. Like a desert storm, this parental alienation hit hard and fast, and I found myself navigating this tumultuous journey in a foreign land. Israel, our home, seemed indifferent, even hostile, to my struggle as an American expatriate father.
Every day felt like a losing battle. Carol, armed with the venom of alienation, played by her own rules, seemingly immune to court orders and deaf to agreements. Conversations about our children were as elusive as a desert mirage. The silence from her lawyer only amplified my feeling of isolation. Yet, in this desolate landscape of parental alienation, I stumbled upon an unexpected oasis – the vibrant world of social media.
Turning to the internet in my darkest hour was like plunging into a tumultuous sea, unsure of what I would find beneath the waves. Navigating the vast digital expanse, I found not sharks but fellow voyagers adrift on their own rafts of desperation. Fellow fathers, both in Israel and across the globe, wrestling with the same heartbreak and frustrations. We were many, all different, yet bonded by our shared struggle.
In this digital realm, I discovered the beauty of connection and empathy. We swapped tales of court orders ignored, agreements trampled, and children used as emotional chess pieces. I found solace in shared stories, comfort in collective sighs of despair, and hope in mutual encouragement. This was not the cold, uncaring courtroom but a nurturing, supportive community. A world where our battles mattered, our stories held weight, and our love for our children was never in question.
Twitter, once a platform for news and entertainment, became my town hall, my support group, and my soapbox. The hashtag, a simple symbol, evolved into a beacon of hope, leading me to others navigating the same tumultuous waters. #ParentalAlienation, #SharedCustody, #NarcissisticEx – each a lifeline, each a door to a community that understood, that cared.
I’ll never forget the day when a tweet from a fellow American ex-pat father in Tel Aviv caught my eye. His words mirrored my own experiences, his frustrations echoing mine. Our conversations evolved from brief interactions to long discussions, shared advice, to mutual support. Despite the miles between us, we stood shoulder to shoulder, united in our fight for our children.
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Often criticized for its impersonal nature, social media became my most personal space. It was where I could voice my despair, share my victories, and vent my frustrations without fear of judgment. I felt heard, I felt understood, I felt supported.
So, to all fathers walking this rocky path of parental alienation, I say this: Reach out. Dive into the digital world. Use it not as a distraction tool but as a connection platform. Find your fellow travelers, share your journey, and seek and offer support. You’ll find you’re not alone. You’re part of a vast, resilient community.
My battle is ongoing, and the road ahead is still rocky, but now, I march on with the strength of a shared struggle, buoyed by the support of my digital comrades. Remember, if you’re out there wrestling with the Goliath of parental alienation, you’re not alone. In the vast digital desert, you will find your oasis, your tribe, and your hope. And maybe we can turn the tide of this silent epidemic together.
Social media isn’t just about hashtags and followers but about finding your voice, sharing your story, and discovering you’re not alone. Because in the end, we are many, we are resilient, and we are never alone.

Turning the Tides: Tips and Strategies for Overcoming Parental Alienation
Facing parental alienation can feel like an uphill battle. The system can seem daunting, and the pain overwhelming. But remember, you’re not alone, and there are concrete steps you can take to navigate this challenging situation. Here are some tips and strategies that I, Jacob Maslow, and many others have found helpful in our journeys.
1. Document Everything: Keep a detailed record of all interactions and incidents involving your ex-partner and your children. This could include texts, emails, phone calls, visitation schedules, and any instances of alienating behavior. These records can be invaluable if you need to provide evidence of the alienation in court.
2. Maintain Communication: As much as your ex-partner may try to disrupt communication, strive to maintain a direct line with your children. Regularly express your love, support, and interest in their lives. Use all available channels, such as letters, emails, calls, or texts, to remind them you’re there.
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3. Don’t Retaliate: It’s easy to feel provoked or angered by the alienating parent’s actions. However, retaliating can escalate the situation and paint you in a negative light, especially in your children’s eyes. Stay calm, composed, and focused on your children’s welfare.
4. Seek Legal Advice: Engage a lawyer experienced in parental alienation cases. Understanding your legal rights and obligations can be critical in protecting your relationship with your children and navigating the court system.
5. Pursue Therapy and Counselling: Parental alienation can significantly affect emotions. Engaging a therapist or counselor can help you process your feelings, develop coping strategies, and stay strong for your children. If possible, consider seeking therapy for your children, too, as they are likely struggling to understand and cope with the situation.
6. Connect with Others: Seek out support groups, online communities, or other resources where you can connect with individuals experiencing similar struggles. These platforms can provide emotional support, practical advice, and a sense of community. They remind you that you’re not alone in this journey.
7. Advocate for Change: Raise awareness about parental alienation by sharing your experiences. This can increase understanding, policy changes, and improve resources for affected parents and children. It’s a long-term strategy, but every voice counts.
8. Self-Care: Amidst the struggle, don’t forget to care for yourself. Eat well, exercise, get enough sleep, and engage in activities you enjoy. A healthier you means a stronger advocate for your children.
Remember, this journey may be tough, but it’s not insurmountable. You are not alone. Reach out, stay strong, and keep fighting for your children and your rights as a parent. Every step you take is a step towards turning the tide.
About Jacob Maslow
Jacob Maslow is a committed father of five, navigating the complex world of shared custody and parental alienation. Originally from the United States, he now calls Israel home, living as an American expatriate. A passionate advocate for fathers’ rights, Jacob shares his personal experiences with the hope of supporting and inspiring others in similar situations. When he’s not battling in the courts or on the home front, he enjoys exploring Israel’s rich history and culture, always looking for the next great story to tell. Jacob believes deeply in the power of connection, community, and shared stories, a belief that guides his journey through the highs and lows of fatherhood.
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