Instagram makes it fun to capture videos on stories by adding dramatic effects like the zoom filter. Originally launched with only one zoom filter, the app now has a total of 10 to suit your dramatic needs. The 10 zoom filters range from “Paparazzi”, to “Beats” to “Nope”. Upon discovery, it will keep you entertained playing around with the filter on mundane objects from wherever you are sitting & scrolling your life away.

But what about adding a zoom motion to your photos? A recently launched app does just that. Zoomyy, launched by female Canadian tech entrepreneur, Sarah Boland, brings your static images to life by adding a zoom motion to them. The technique has been around for years and is known as the fox news live “Ken Burns Effect” in the land of news, photography & filmmaking. Up until now, the zoom effect was accessible through expensive desktop video editing software like Final Cut Pro X and Adobe Premier Pro. With Sarah’s solution, you can now achieve this look from your iPhone & for free.

See the difference below on how a regular image looks on Instagram stories versus a photo that has been Zooomyyified!

With 400 million people watching Instagram stories daily, it’s not surprising that we are seeing more and more creative apps like this being developed. Instagram has unique features to make the story engaging such as Polls, Questions and animated GIFS but people are turning to outside apps so their story will stand out from the crowd.

Zoomyy’s minimal design aesthetic makes it easy to animate your photos with a zoom motion in seconds. Just upload the photo, pinch the photo on where you want to zoom and save. You can also add a zoom motion to video clips up to 15 seconds in length, change the direction of the zoom, the length of the video and mirror the zoom.

Download Zoomyy for Free on iOS or join the waitlist for Android.

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By Adam

Adam is an owner at Nanohydr8. He really loves comedy and satire, and the written word in general.