This infographic was inspired by “The Seven Success Factors of Social Business Strategy“, an e-book co-written by Brian Solis and Charlene Li from the Altimeter Group.

Using a blend of research and real world client data, Solis and Li have established a social business strategy DNA – a set of strategic characteristics that are common among successful social organizations.

The book highlights seven success factors, including social business best practices, pitfalls, and practical exercises to help guide you – all in an easy to consume format (~100 pages).

Does your organization have a social business strategy in place? Which of the seven success factors below are proving to be the most challenging? The comments are yours.

Social Business Strategy DNA

Image Credits:

Road designed by Erbil Sivaslioglu from The Noun Project

Map designed by Atelier Iceberg from The Noun Project

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By Mark Smiciklas

Mark Smiciklas is a Digital Strategist, author and President of Intersection Consulting; a Vancouver based digital marketing agency that teaches organizations how to leverage the dynamics of the web to achieve business goals. Mark is an established marketing and social media practitioner recognized for his visual thinking and practical strategic approach. You can connect with him on Google+.

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